Information Day on Large Research Infrastructures at the CSIC
This event took place at CSIC headquarters in Madrid, on November 7, 2024. The aim of the sessions was to highlight Spain's participation in both national Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructures and European ESFRI projects, as well as to present the CSIC’s strategy in this area, while offering a space for networking among interested parties. Speakers included José Luis Martínez (ESFRI chair), Ana Aricha (deputy director for Consortia, Organisations and International Research Infrastructures of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities), Ángela Fernández (deputy director for Large Scientific and Technical Infrastructures of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities), and Isabel Díaz (CSIC deputy vice-president for Internationalization and Cooperation).
The European Solar Telescope (EST) played a prominent role during the event, and was presented as one of the major international scientific infrastructures in which Spain has a strategic involvement. Throughout the event, its significance within solar astrophysics was emphasised, alongside its inclusion on the ESFRI Roadmap, underlining its contribution to Spain’s scientific and technological leadership in international projects.