From 2021-01-13 to 2021-02-11
18:01 Getting Ready for EST Document: D4.7: Microlens-fed spectrograph: modelling study
- Microlens-fed spectrograph: Modelling study - Sub-WP 4.2 Spectro-polarimetry using a microlens-fed spectrograph
18:00 Getting Ready for EST Document: D4.9: Microlens-fed spectrograph: prototype design
- Microlens-fed spectrograph: prototype design
17:58 Getting Ready for EST Document: D4.6: Multi-slit IFU: Evaluation of fabrication costs
- Multi-slit IFU: Evaluation of fabrication costs - Sub-WP 4.1 Multi-slit integral field unit design
17:57 Getting Ready for EST Document: D4.5: Multi-slit IFU final opto-mechanical design
- Multi-slit IFU final opto-mechanical design - Sub-WP 4.1 Multi-slit integral field unit design
17:57 Getting Ready for EST Document: D3.8: Spectral test
- Spectral test - Task 3.4 Laboratory and Interferometer tests.
17:56 Getting Ready for EST Document: D2.13: Test related to the polarimetric noise behaviour of the camera
- Tests related to the polarimetruc noise behaviour of the camera - Sub-WP 2.3: Testing of an ESO large-format camera (...
17:55 Getting Ready for EST Document: D2.12: Test report on the rolling shutter mode and related polarimetric modulation schemes and performances
- Test report on the rolling shutter mode and related polarimetric modulation schemes and performances - Sub-WP 2.3: Te...
17:55 Getting Ready for EST Document: D2.7: Electrical pre-characterization of prototype sensors
- Electrical pre-charazterization of prototype sensors - Sub-WP 2.2: Development of a high-precision polarimetric camer...
17:54 Getting Ready for EST Document: D2.6: DEPFET numerical performance simulation
- DEPFET numerical performance simulation - Sub-WP 2.2: Development of a high-precision polarimetric camera (MPG)
- 17:44 Getting Ready for EST Document: D1.7: On-line documents, dissemination reports and publications
- On-line documents, dissemination reports and publications from month 13 onwards.
- 17:42 Getting Ready for EST Document: D1.6: GREST website
- GREST website with public and private sections.
The deliverable is this website. Attached document includes the We...
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